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Learning Pathway for Tae Kwon Do - White Belt

 Today I've shared a learning pathway aimed at people getting started with Tae Kwon Do. When you begin you are considered at white belt at the level of 10th Kup. In order to progress to 9th Kup (White belt with a yellow tag) you need to become proficient in a variety of moves and vocabulary.

The learning pathway starts of with a brief introduction to Tae Kwon Do and an overview of everything you need to know when you are training as a white belt. There are two patterns to practice: Sajo Jirungi 1 and 2. Both of these patterns are variations on a four directional punch and must be learnt precisely. 

There are also four stances that must be learnt: attention, parallel, sitting and walking. The learning pathway includes four YouTube videos which show how to perform each stance. 

As different people learn in different ways provides multiple types of learning items which can be useful when practicing the vocabulary. You can either stick with the written list, add links to videos which may help with pronunciation or create flip cards to assist in memorisation.  

To personalise your own pathway sign in to (you can create an account for free) locate the 'Tae Kwon Do - White Belt' Topic in All Topics and in the menu select 'Add To My Topics'. Once the topic is copied over to your collection you can modify it as you see fit. 
