There are a few things that I wish new starters in my team of software engineers
already knew. Simple things, but really important.
1. Git basics
Git is one of the most commonly used software version control systems. It is one of the first tools you will use in your new job so definitely worth learning the basics. Make sure you know how to clone a repository, commit your code changes and merge your code with when there have been changes. I really like this introduction from
2. Know your language
It's good to have a main language that you are familiar with, that you enjoy. Keep up to date with this language, keep learning and practising inside and out of work. Aim to become and expert.
3. Code reviews
When you have finished the code changes for the feature or fix that you are working on it will probably need to be reviewed by at least one other software engineer before your code can be merged into the main code branch. In Git this is called a pull request. There are some key things to do to get your code ready for a code review:
- Make sure your code builds (I know, hard to believe I had to add this one :)) Sometimes times your code will build on your machine but fail on others because of some difference in configuration or missing files in your commit. Ideally you should check this by running your code through an automated testing pipeline.
- Review all the changes that you have made, make sure there are not any silly mistakes.
- Make sure you have learned from previous reviews and try not to have any similar issues arise again.
- Sometimes people comment on one instance of a problem, but there are actually several instances in your code. Double check you have caught all of them.
- Make sure you answer all the comments on the code review and let the reviewing software engineer know when you are ready to have your code reviewed again.
4. Ask questions (but not continuously)
You are extremely unlikely to know everything that you need to when you start out as a new software engineer and will need to ask your colleagues about all sorts of things. You may feel like you are being a pain when you ask questions but, believe me, it is very important and expected. However it is also important to try and figure things out for yourself. Make sure you check any internal wikis and do a quick Google search for the answer before asking. Let your colleague know what you have already tried and which part of the problem you are struggling with.
5. Make learning a habit
As a software engineer you need to be constantly learning. You will learn a lot in your new job but you also want to keep on top of new developments in your field and deep dive in to tough subjects. You can use to create your own learning pathways from scratch!
I hope this helps, good luck!
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